Jun 9Liked by Bob Morgan

Leading up to the 2016 election, PBS Newshour talked about Trump incessantly! Every day he said or did something shocking! So much so, that he didn't have to pay for ads--he got "free press" every single day! Well, the same thing is happening today! He says something egregious, and the press jumps all over it--with GLEE--if it's a "right wing" news source! I can't STAND to hear T's voice or see his face, it is unbearable to me (I've always been overly sensitive). I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up in December.

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Jun 9Liked by Bob Morgan

I am so sick of that man!

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Jun 8Liked by Bob Morgan

I now refer in my writings when mentioning “TFG” (as President Biden has so often used the abbreviation) as Convicted Felon DJT.

Of the many issues President Biden (and his staff) has had to deal with beyond “first restoring some guardrails, then by building a Cabinet filled with qualified and capable people” is the replacement and filling of appointed government positions previously and still some currently occupied by loyalists and appointees of Convicted Felon DJT. Many were entrenched in the DOJ, which handicapped Garland’s first two years. DeJoy is still Postmaster General and President Biden only recently filled vacant positions in the Postal Board of Governors.

Other federal departments and agencies were decimated by dedicated career civil servants leaving in disgust or being forced out from 2017 through 2020. The DOI and EPA were especially hard hit.

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Yes, and it's so much easier to destroy things than to rebuild, yet another example of the false equivalence between President Biden and Convicted Felon.

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Yes, Christine! Integrity and Honor. Let's add some decency and respect for others.

The Convicted Felon is a rancid rotting rat. The fact that he attracts people who say they are "religious" astounds me. His habitually hate filled diatribes are more than unhinged and incoherent. They are suggestions of a paranoid personality heading into dementia.

Why the MSM doesn't focus on the obvious signs of mental illness in the Felon and applaud the wonderful accomplishments of our President is an important question.

To oversimplify, maybe its that hate and vitriol sells better than competence.

Oy. Vote Blue. The future of the planet depends on it.

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Jun 7Liked by Bob Morgan

Well said Bob! The role of President should have some semblance of integrity and honor.

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Thanks, Chris! Yes, some semblance would be nice!

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Quite right Bob. Words have meanings, and, very often, using them accurately and correctly has a greater impact than we realize at the time.

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Thanks, Dave!

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