Jul 3Liked by Bob Morgan

Well said! I love your "play on words," Bob. You have a great sense of humor to lighten the insanity of the Trevails of the Trump.

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Thanks, Catherine! It keeps

me from crying!

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Jul 3Liked by Bob Morgan

I love the way "Felonious T" rolls off the tongue and heretofore that is how I will mention the abominable orange #45 in verbal or written correspondence.

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p.s. I've begun referring to him and his band of "echo"lytes and "sicko"phants as, "Felonious T & The MAGAlomaniacs."

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You're welcome to it, and "Abominable Showman" too if you want to mix it up.

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I'll not belabor the point either Bob as it's been beaten into the ground elsewhere for everyone outside the Beltway and pundit worlds. While "once and for all" is in God's hands, we can ensure by our votes in November that his political career is done to the point that no lawsuit, however frivolous, can resurrect it. The occasionally optimistic Allen Drury, in Advise and Consent, had his Supreme Court Justice experience an awakening that put him on an uncharacteristic path to a correct decision; regrettably, the road to Damascus seems closed to the majority on the current Court, or they've learned to accept and appreciate their blindness to the Rule of Law as King.

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And vote we must! In overwhelming numbers, up and down the ballot! The Supreme Court can be fixed, but only with expansion and rebalancing at this point, and then somebody (with standing) has to present a case dealing with this absolute immunity nonsense, and it will fall apart. We need to look at the long game, and avoid the handwringing and half-measures.

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Hear here. I'd be happy to bring such a case with the right lawyer and listen to the Court try to explain why a citizen of the United States doesn't have standing to contest the destruction of the foundational document of the federal government.

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Jul 3Liked by Bob Morgan

Proof positive that nothing succeeds like success. No one else can do what he does. He's a phenomenon! The voters have to vote him out. As long as our candidate is walking and talking and stands for personal freedom and the undoing of that Godforsaken man, I'm good to go.

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Hear! Hear! Our candidate doesn't even need to be walking and talking to get my vote. My confidence is in the presidency, not the man. All the more reason that the Abominable Showman must go.

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