May 31Liked by Bob Morgan

Well said. We all need to write Roberts.

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May 28Liked by Bob Morgan

Well written letter. I would not like to see these corrupt “justices” just wander off into retirement. They need to be held accountable for their actions.

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Thanks. In a perfect world, yes. But if it gets them out of the way before they do more lasting damage or before they're replaced by a Republican, I'd say "good riddance."

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Thx, well done.

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May 27Liked by Bob Morgan

Thank you for summarizing the situation at SCOTUS so well. I’ll gladly follow your lead.

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Thanks, Rosa!

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May 27Liked by Bob Morgan

A good letter. But is Roberts any more ethical than the other two?

And I would not have included "respectfully." I know it's a note of deference, but I think we're way past that.

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Thanks, Nan. You're right, of course. But since I'm appealing to him to take action, I didn't want to seem disrespectful. I thought bringing up his legacy was personal enough.

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May 27Liked by Bob Morgan

Yeah, and it's a formal way to ask. I'm just so pissed about it all.

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That is the ultimate perfect letter, and I really hope he considers it and does the right thing for our Democracy and our country. Thank you

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May 24Liked by Bob Morgan

What a great letter! It's perfect the way it is. Thank you for giving us this to send.

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Thanks, Judy!

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Excellent letter ,now if 9or 10 million more just like it landed in the mail box of Justice Kennedy we might get some action ,I’m sending my version in the AM .Thanx much !

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May 24Liked by Bob Morgan

Who is "Justice Kennedy"??? There is no Kennedy on this court! To whom are you referring? I hope your letter makes it to the right place!

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Oops to much sun today meant Roberts ,this getting old shit ain’t for sissies !

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I usually blame my faux pas on my fat fingers and poor reading vision, but I like your reply better. Justice Anthony Kennedy retired in 2018, opening the door for Brett Kavanaugh to enter.

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May 28Liked by Bob Morgan

There appeared to have been something hinky about what all occurred for the retirement and how a voluminous amount of Kavanaugh debt disappeared.

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Long day meant Roberts .

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I know you did. If I had a nickel for every time I had a minor mix-up, I could retire the national debt!

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Thanks, Robert!

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Absolutely perfect letter… thank you.☺️ But let us not forget Kavanaugh. Remember the 4,500 tips against him that Chris Ray of FBI refused to investigate.

? 🔬

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Thanks, Joanne!

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May 23Liked by Bob Morgan

I'll be echoing that letter and sending it, too, but after I've shared it with some like-minded folks who will very likely do the same. THANK YOU!

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Thanks. Pat!

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May 23Liked by Bob Morgan

You put into words how I feel. Thank you!

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Thanks, Cyndy

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Well done Bob. The first of hopefully many similar letters going to the CJ.

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Thanks, Dave!

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Well said Bob. I wonder what is going through Roberts' mind? Legacy?

For decades Republicans have railed against the Court for "legislating from the bench". And yet that is exactly what the Roberts Court has been doing.

I haven't decided if Roberts is a spineless wimp or co-conspirator in the slow moving Coup - that is picking up speed every day. Maybe both.

The "immunity" issue will be the defining moment for this court. If they go to the dark side, expect some gun shots on Fifth Avenue to further test the boundaries of corruption and legal malfeasance.

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Thanks, Bill! One thing's for sure - if there are gunshots on Fifth Avenue, they won't be fired by the Quadefendant - he'll make sure somebody else is holding the gun.

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The question is, who would he trust to hold the gun and not point it at him? A conundrum faced by Messrs. Putin, and Khamenei as well.

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May 23Liked by Bob Morgan

Mr Morgan, you said what needs saying. I only hope you (we) are not spitting in the wind (Jim Croce reference) and the outcome is Slim's victory over Jim (MAGA et. al.) after the bar room brawl (November Elections):

"You don't tug on Superman's cape (Constitution)

You don't spit into the wind (Democracy)

You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger (Justice)

And you don't mess around with Slim (Will of the People).

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Thanks, Warren! I like your interpretation!

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A perfect letter. Please copy it and send it to all media outlets print and especially TV. You could title it a letter from the "will of the majority ". Roberts needs to look in the mirror. His wife has made millions working for lobbyists with clients having cases affected by Supreme court decisions he presided over.

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Thanks, Alan! Apparently all mirrors have been removed from the Justice's chambers, and Congress as well.

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Any further comments would be superfluous. Nailed it, Bob. 👏👏👏

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Thanks, Eliot!

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