Dec 27, 2023Liked by Bob Morgan

It’s likely that all who read this post and others like it thrive (rightfully) on staying informed, and that is good. However, I remind myself that bringing NEW voters into this election is a priority, and if I read postings with which I very much agree but then end the day without taking action to bring in NEW voters, or getting inactive voters to the polls, I have not done what I need to be doing. If you are in Texas, VR is not easy, and ALL of us can be participating. Here’s how: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1VcHgVEw__Yh_7j-FWoUt3jpWe4TsJl0V/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

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Thanks, Cathy! I shared it with a good friend who lives in Texas.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Bob Morgan

Beautifully written, Bob.

My intuition is that there is about to be a serious internal battle within the GQP. I think more and more Republicans realize that criminal Trump will lose to whoever is the Democratic nominee.

We all spend endless energy and time preparing for things that never happen. Did we prepare for Hillary to lose? Did we prepare for a Pandemic? Did we prepare for the financial Collapse of 2007-2008 and resulting Great Recession?

We listened to the "polls" in 2016. Oops. Scientists and Medical Professionals warned us for a very long time that we weren't prepared for a pandemic. Oops, no mask, no PPE. The warnings about ridiculous mortgages being bundled and resold were ignored. Ooops, there went our portfolios.

Your advice is wise. But I am prepared for the idea that we may see Haley face off with someone else. Remember March 31, 1968. I am preparing to be totally shocked by 2024.

May the good guys win.

And Happy New Year to you and yours.

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Thanks, Bill. I agree with you, but I think in this case we do need to prepare for many eventualities in parallel. It's similar to what the Defendant does, although his approach is Defendant-centric. His view is that the ends PRESCRIBE the means, and the end he seeks is to avoid any accountability and restore his fat ass to the golden throne. He is attacking from all sides, much as he did with his attempts to thwart the peaceful transfer of power in 2021. The third party nonsense and his overtures to Russia are not accidental.

So we must push back on the Defendant wherever we can, and make sure that his enablers are held accountable if he somehow loses in the primaries. And we must prepare for the possibility that he'll fail (loser that he is), and that Haley might rise to the surface. She still has plenty of the stench of her fealty to the Defendant on her, and we shouldn't let her wash it off.

I have a feeling that a lot of this will shake out in the first couple of months of 2024, and allow us to shift our focus in a better direction. If the Defendant starts to lose support, or if he is convicted of one of the many crimes he's committed, we may see the battle you foresee. But I think the Defendant will scorch the earth for the Republican party, especially if its remaining members begin to flee. That may be enough to do them in, but we can't count on it.

Happy New Year to you and yours as well!

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I second Bill's comments and yours. It's an outstanding piece, and the next 8-10 weeks will be critical if we stay energized, get organized and start pushing the President's message in a positive direction. Haley is a potential challenge and if the recent spate of activity from the VP is a signal that she's getting more actively involved, that's the proper counter.

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Thanks, Dave. Good point about the VP, and it's helping her image as President Biden's backup.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Bob Morgan

We do truly need to focus more on building support for the Biden administration and Democrats holding national office or running for those offices. Not only do we need to promote their achievements, but we also must emphasize the Biden administration’s more progressive ambitions and the many ways that they were thwarted by the MAGA opposition and by sellouts in the Democratic Party. The solution is to elect enough of a Democratic majority that a second Biden term can accomplish the more far-reaching objectives that are important especially to young voters.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Bob Morgan

This. This is the point that frustrates me the most when Trump Cult Lemmings show their nature by espousing fallacious claims of a stolen election. To accomplish that objective, Congressional elections should also have been stolen so that an actual agenda could be acted upon and achieved. Did that happen? No. It feels like our nation has been wallowing in thigh high mud with the antics of the obstructionist elect no leader do nothing Republican Caucus.

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