Very true, all you said, Bob.

I don't think there is a way to package reasonable messages to combat the obscenities of Arlington and especially Springfield. Those policy proposals are excellent and should continue to be presented as opportunities to those who, as you say, are engaged.

But very sadly, some huge percentage of Americans are moved to vote primarily on an emotional basis. The MAGANazis have just given us a gift, as horrible as it is. The gift of inviting SHAME.

Gov Walz will meet the original "cat eating lie perpetrator" on stage October 1. I believe Walz will shred Vance. Reduce him to befuddlement and embarrassment. The theme will be SHAME. And LIAR, LIAR, Pants on Fire. And more SHAME. Feed him a SHAME sandwich, so to speak.

I can hear it now. "Senator Vance, you brought disaster to a town in your state! Who are you? Where did you get the idea that you could lie your way into the Vice Presidency? Didn't your Memaw teach you anything about the truth? Where is your shame when you are called out as a LIAR? Do the right thing and step away from this race right now. You are unfit. You are a creep."

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Thanks, Bill. I hope Governor Walz takes the silver-tongued hillbilly to the woodshed, but he's slick and might slither away.

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Control the conversation.

Focus on kitchen table positive economic news as compared to Trump’s and Project 2025’s disastrous economic policies.

Trump seems incapable of talking about his economic plans.

Trump’s favorite plan for the economy is a huge, unfunded tax cut for corporations and wealthy individuals.

Trump’s proposed tariffs on imported goods would cost an average American household $2,600 a year.

Trump’s plan to bring food prices down by restricting food imports, which will only increase food prices. Basic Econ 101 supply and demand. Trump has said he wants to deport many who harvest our crops, which will result in shortages and higher prices.

The conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute calls Trump’s economic ideas “dangerous.”

“There is every reason to fear that if Trump were to be elected and to implement his proposed economic policies, the American electorate might soon have buyer’s remorse as it bore the economic costs.”

Harris has published economic agenda items to help first time home owners, interest rates now coming down, controlling pharmaceutical prices. The list goes on.

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I think your last sentence proves my point. All of the things you pointed out are true, and significant. But they need to be made into bite-size arguments. You and I are well-informed and engaged. The folks we need to motivate are not, and they're easily overwhelmed. That's why the Republican candidates flood the zone with shiny objects. and try to get the media and Democratic leaders to spread out to chase them.

I absolutely agree with your first sentence. And in a normal election, I would say that focusing on kitchen table positive economic news would be a good thing, but it may be fraught with too much "feelings." I think I'd rather have President Biden talk about it as he did today, and call on some economic experts (maybe even some Republicans) to address the real economy successes. I don't think VP Harris should dwell on it. Perhaps she could say something like, "If bringing the economy back from the brink of total collapse, restoring security to the supply chain, combatting inflation caused by actions and inactions of the prior administration, adding 15 million jobs (including 800,000 in manufacturing), growing the economy at over 3% per year, increasing real wages over inflation, averting a widely predicted and overdue recession, and seeing the stock market achieve record levels is a failing economy, we should welcome such a calamity."

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I probably got to wordy. Your suggested Harris quote is workable. I actually like her current approach and ads. Not too detailed, but gets the message across. I think they can get some controlled messaging across using Harris on economic and reproductive issues and Walz talking to veterans.

Part of me wants to let Trump and Vance sink themselves. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” But that approach gives Trump and Vance all the spotlight.

Corporate media is really the problem. There was a time if a local print or TV affiliate covered a good story, the national network, AP, etc. would catch it and spread it. Now it’s top down. Locals are told what, who and how to cover. Worse yet, much news is just computer generated dumbed down rehash. And worse of all, besides the too busy and disengaged to follow news and politics, it’s people that get news from Facebook and other social media sources and trust the messenger as being correct.

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More like a millstone than an albatross and two of the very few pieces of trash I'd be ok with casting into the sea. There are, after all, little ones demonstrably being harmed in Springfield, Ohio.

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That works too! Nonviolently, though!

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